Check Out the Redfin Article We Were Featured in!
For anyone moving to a new city, familiarizing yourself with the local food scene is an essential
part of making yourself feel at home. This is especially true if you’re a vegan, as some cities
have limited options when it comes to vegan-friendly eateries. Luckily, living in Atlanta means
plenty of delicious options to choose from. Redfin asked some locals for their favorite vegan
restaurants in Atlanta. Read the full article here: 7 Crave-Worthy Vegan Restaurants in Atlanta
You Have to Check Out | Redfin -
Reaching Your Fitness Goals While Vegan
Just like the standard American diet (SAD), without proper balance and nutrition, one’s fitness goals can lack. Over the years of losing weight, gaining weight, and supporting muscle on a vegan diet, I have learned that it is more than possible to reach your macronutrient goals. No matter if you thrive on a ketogenic diet, a high protein, low carbohydrate diet or anything else, these are all possible ways of eating that can be maintained on a vegan diet. Doing so all comes down to convenience and what works best for you. I choose the protein powder and branch chain amino acid route to supplement my exercise routine and recovery. This does not mean you need these things, you can get the perfect amount of what you need just from a balanced diet consisting of whole foods!
Having low energy or unwanted weight loss on a vegan diet can often mean that your levels in iron and B12 are low as well as many other essential nutrients. You could simply not be eating enough.
When transitioning to veganism, you may experience a drop in energy just because your body is using more energy to break down food or you may not be getting enough nutrients in. Here is some information on low energy that could help you keep a clear mind if you do experience these things.
Taking supplements like a multivitamin and B12 vitamin or spray are great ways to combat this BUT eating foods high in these nutrients in conjunction with these vitamins will help you tremendously. Getting seeds in your diets such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and hemp seeds will help get omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. I would recommend buying these in bulk because a tablespoon of each can be added to just about anything like smoothies, baked goods, oatmeal, pudding, etc. These are always good to combat low energy and low iron, as well as eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, kale, arugula, bok choy, and collard greens.
Feelings of low energy could also mean that you may be eating too much at once, causing the digestion system to be overworked and overloaded. Not meaning that you are eating too much entirely, but, when transitioning to veganism, eating more fibrous fruits and veggies in a higher capacity than your body was used to means more work for your body. Overtime (took about 1 month for me) it will adjust. You may experience being more gassy than usual, but that’s normal. These shifts in energy levels are expected and only mean that you’re body is adjusting to a new way of eating.
On the opposing side, low energy could also mean that you aren’t eating enough. A vegan diet is a lot higher in volume per calorie than a standard American diet. For example, I can eat two whole mangoes for breakfast, a bag of spinach with rice and tofu for lunch, and two bean tacos for dinner. If there isn’t any added healthy fats to these dishes, it could possibly be true that this day of eating only consisted of 1000 calories. I may feel full after, but that’s because of fiber and volume. I encourage adding a serving size of healthy fats like nuts, nut butter, seeds (sesame seeds, pepitas), avocados, grapeseed and avocado oil, tahini, and things like that to meals to increase calories per meal without feeling like you are overfeeding yourself in any way.
The keys to reaching your fitness goals on a vegan diet are the same as if you were on a regular diet with meat and dairy. The keys are to listen to your body and how it reacts to certain foods, whole, nutritious foods in abundance are always great when focusing on your fitness goals. A vegan can get as much protein in their diet as meat eaters as long as they don’t over consume high carb foods. Protein can be from beans, rice, seeds, nuts, vegan meat alternatives, protein powders, and so much more. Veganism is so sustainable when it comes to any aspects of your lifestyle.
5 Reasons To Consider a Plant-Based Diet
What if one way to help the environment and improve yourself was to change the way you fueled your body? A plant-based diet provides you with the necessary nutrients and provides the world with less pollution and a much better chance of sustainability. These are five reasons why you should consider a plant-based diet. It is crucial not only to eat what makes you happy but also what makes the Earth and your body happy.
Photo by Pixabay on - A plant-based diet helps the environment in huge ways by purifying the air, cleansing the soil, and conserving water. Many companies provide the world with animal products or products containing animal products, are responsible for the world’s environmental problems. Livestock is a large consumer of freshwater resources and is also the biggest polluters of freshwater. Imagine, if the world cut down to just half of the current animal product consumption, people around the world would have a higher chance of having access to freshwater resources. Raising livestock also leads to deforestation due to the need for land to raise the animals, this means the constant removal of plants that provide resilience and nutrients to the environment. Fun Fact: All of the world’s livestock causes more air pollution than cars, buses, and all modes of other transportation in the world combined.
- Helps fight world hunger due to the amount of currency needed to support a diet of plants to a community being less than having to provide that same amount in meat. An article on the states that “70% of the grain grown in the US feeds livestock, and, globally, 83% of farmland is set aside to raise animals” meaning TONS of food are going to the conservation of livestock instead of the many communities around the globe that struggle with world hunger. As the Earth’s population grows, it would be ultimately impossible for the entire world to remain eating a standard American diet. There will not be enough land to clear out for livestock, and the amount of pollution it would cause would be unbearable.
- Increases your overall health. Studies show that a plant-based diet provides humans with more nutrients than the standard American diet. This means fewer health concerns in the future and a lower chance of a pricey doctor visit since veganism forces a person to be more conscious of the ingredients they are consuming. A standard American diet often includes highly processed foods that usually leave consumers feeling sluggish, a diet filled with fresher ingredients high in nutrients a can make consumers feel so much better.
- Boosts your mood and increases dedication. When a person feels good about what they are putting into their body, it causes a shift in their attitude about food. To know that you are treating your body well and remembering that “you get out what you put in” adds another aspect of yourself that you can genuinely admire. Switching from a standard American diet to a plant-based diet needs an amount of dedication that allows a person to enjoy the experience and find what works for them thoroughly.
- A chance to improve cooking skills and have fun trying new dishes. There are SO many delicious meals to each on a plant-based diet, even those that mock your meat and cheese-filled favorites and taste just as good. Finding these new ingredients and finding out how to use them increases a person’s knowledge of cooking and expands their flavor pallet. Going plant-based can be a fun experience with necessary effort.
Consider these reasons and know that even if your diet isn’t completely plant-based, even the slightest decrease in the consumption of animal products can cause a change in the betterment of our environment. Change starts with you! You can find some great tips and tricks to going vegan and more plant-based in my e-book which can be purchased here.
6 Benefits of Going Vegan
If you’ve read up on my About Me page, you would know the reason that I went vegan and when I decided to make the change. The decision was made due to a feeling of depravity and to seek out what seemed to be a phenomenon to me. When I was sixteen, I was introduced to the idea that health is wealth and food is medicine. So many studies show that swapping foods have impacted the health and lives of so many people. There are an innumerable amount of benefits to eating a plant-based diet, but here are 6 of my personal favorite and most impactful ways veganism has changed my life for the better.
1. I am even more creative in the kitchen.Growing up, I always was making some type of “creation” in the kitchen. I loved to cook and eat ever since I can remember. I grew up the southern classics, such as ribs, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, smoked neck bones, cornbread, etc. (I could go on) and I genuinely LOVED those foods. Going vegan didn’t make me miss the foods, it made me excited to see how I could recreate my favorite dishes in the kitchen. I love cooking with meat and dairy substitutes to create cruelty dishes that everyone loves. Anything can be “veganized”. When I say anything, I mean that. I also love trying new foods and have found a new passion for visiting vegan restaurants and trying as much as I can.
2. I’m regular.
Let’s go ahead and address the elephant in the room. It is so common for vegans to have healthy bowel movements. A diet rich in fiber, healthy fats, and adequate water intake in addition to water from fruits and veggies results in a healthy relationship with the restroom (if you know what I mean). When one first goes vegan, they are likely to notice they are gassier and have to use the bathroom more, these are all healthy functions. As you eat these plant-based foods more consistently, your body becomes used to the fiber, water, and nutrient intake. Read more about why a vegan diet produces health bowel movements in this article.
3. My health has improved.
As previously mentioned, growing up, I had a terrible diet that lacked vitamins and nutrients. I didn’t even know what was considered a healthy eating pattern until my 8th-grade year of middle school. Having colds and sour stomachs every once in a while becomes my normal. I was used to being irregular. When I became more health-conscious, the number of vitamins in foods was so intriguing to me. I knew it was important to take vitamins and such, but the fact that these vitamins were found in food and could do so much good for your body was so amazing to me. It still is. Including high vitamin foods have made my health so much better overall. Mind you, when a person gets sick, many of the foods recommended to intake are plant-based. Why be reactive to dis-ease when you could be proactive and give your body the nutrients it needs each and every day? In addition to getting sick less, I no longer feel cold all the time. Getting nutrients such as vitamin c and iron in your diet is so vital for healthy functioning and, especially, for those who suffer from anemia. Eating certain foods and taking vitamins in abundance has helped me to stay warm and prevent vitamin deficiencies.
4. I have gained so much knowledge.
After four years of veganism, I still learn something new every day; whether it be a new recipe, a new way to store fruits and vegetables, or a new way to practice sustainability, there is never a dull moment. I love the abundance of the life of veganism has. Not only in food, but in learning moments. There is much power in plants, from nutrient content, to how the foods work together in your body to help your muscles stay strong and to keep you healthy, one can clearly see from the research that food truly is medicine.
5. I have reached a healthy weight.
I was always a pretty heavier queen. When I lost a drastic amount of weight from restrictive eating habits, veganism is what saved me and helped me gain healthy weight back (and then some). I don’t feel weighed down, I feel lighter and stronger than I did when I felt like I had reached my ideal weight of 104 pounds. Any diet can help a person reach their goal weight, but, in my experience, veganism is what brought me to become more inclined to gain weight the healthy way and in a way that benefitted me in a plethora of ways.
6. Feeling good has become normal for me.
I dealt with a lot of sadness, insecurities, and overall depression in my preteen years and early years as a teenager. I had a large feeling of anxiety and discomfort about my body and how others perceived me. Going vegan has opened me up to a new way of eating that makes me feel good about treating myself well while treating the environment and its inhabitants with care and consciousness. I feel good. I don’t feel good just when someone compliments me, or gives me an outside reflection of myself; I feel good because I don’t consume dead or disturbed energy anymore. I consume light and love, an energy that flows directly from mother earth and never dies. The Beet has a great article here on the great benefits of veganism, including the improvement of mood and why it occurs.
These are a couple of my favorite benefits of veganism and I know of so many other common benefits such as clear skin, healthy weight gain/loss, and curing diabetes, cancer, and many other diseases. Veganism is so much more external than internal but the internal benefits are so clear to see.
5 Vegan Instagram Pages You Should Be Following in 2020
Getting creative in the kitchen has been a favorite past time for many of us, especially during the quarantine. If you are looking for some delicious plant-based recipes to add to your vegan meals or even trying to spice up some of your normal recipes and try something different, these Instagram pages are sure to interest you!
Henry and Ian, the two creators of BOSH!, the best selling cookbook to date, are definitely great bloggers to follow on Instagram. They provide recipes from scratch that are guaranteed to be delicious. They also have healthy options, recipes that expand around every culture, and recipes for vegan meat substitutes. Their book, BOSH! How To Live Vegan, gives insight on how to save the planet through veganism and feel your best on a vegan diet.
This London vegan is one of my favorite food bloggers. Her Instagram and YouTube provide a wide array of recipes to try. In some videos, she also has some nonvegans try her recipes, and I have not seen any disappointment so far. From just looking at her Instagram, you will see why she is one of the best vegan Instagram pages to follow!
These six New York and Detroit based sisters have a page with food to die for. Their content is filled with food perfect for any occasion such as vegan queso, buffalo “chicken” dip, pasta dishes, pizza, desserts, and more!
Dr. Vegan is a vegan athlete and medical student; this shows throughout his Instagram posts that give vegan health advice. Scrolling down his page, you will find facts about vitamins found in various plant-based food items, tips on reaching health goals while on a plant-based diet, and quick, simple recipes anyone would appreciate!
Jasmine Briones was one of the first YouTube pages I subscribed to when embarking on my plant-based journey. I loved her “What I Eat In a Day” videos, and she became a true inspiration to me. Sweet and simple are truly great words to describe her recipes. She has sweet and savory recipes that are healthy, as well as great meal prep ideas, large pasta dishes, party favorites, and much more exciting content to choose from!
I hope all of these pages sparked some interest to you! Their content is amazing and bound to be helpful to anyone trying to go vegan and/or working on trying new recipes. Who doesn’t love a delicious, cruelty free recipe? Make sure you give them a follow, in addition to @plantingjasmines of course! 😉
Manifesting Your Vision During A Crisis: The Law of Attraction
As many of us are in quarantine, we find time to reflect on … basically everything, but more importantly, our mindsets. Some of us are finding it hard to be motivated while simultaneously wanting to take this time of isolation to reflect on what we have done thus far in life and what line of action we will take on our unique journeys toward self-improvement and finding the fire beneath us. What will you do to manifest your goals in the time to come? How can you start to reshape and conquer the goals you have regardless of outside limitations? What will it take to manifest a life full of positivity, growth, and success? Start by using the law of attraction.
You CAN manifest and create the life you want for yourself by shifting your focus to the things you want to happen instead of the things you do not want to happen. Having faith in yourself is so important. For example, many older people continuously say how they wish they started something when they were younger. For them, it was worry, doubt, and fear that crept in and apprehended the vision they wanted to create for themselves. Putting too much focus on what could go wrong instead of what could go right is a constant downfall for many dreamers and potential doers. Stop thinking about how much that business project you have could potentially fail and start thinking about the potential success.
Many thoughts of negativity prevent us from even attempting to put our dreams into action. The law of attraction states that the things you focus on are the things you end up attracting more of into your life. Negative thoughts, even those that you feel are not true, are bound to create an emotional vibration within you. You take on the energy carried along by the problems, doubts, and worries, and it creeps into the actions you take; it may even cause you to take no action at all. As many doubts and uncertainties are up in the air during this pandemic, the hope does not have to die as hardships prevail. Many of us find ourselves viewing the world as some mesmerizing, intimidating reality that causes us to reframe the ideals we have toward our reality. We have to start imposing our reality into the world and implementing the goals we want. Just as the law of attraction states that you can attract negative things with negative thoughts, you can also attract positive things with positive thoughts. You have worried about things for long enough. It is time to start focusing on the creation and the “what ifs” that are positive. For example, think about “what if my business becomes a multimillion-dollar company?” instead of “what if this investment goes nowhere?”. Creating some positive vision and taking action towards that vision will seem more seamless and effortless once you have reconstructed your mindset surrounding the good you want to come. There is a clear difference between being realistic and holding yourself back with negative thoughts.
Reframe your mindset. Instead of thinking of all of the bad that has come from this period of isolation, think of the good that has come out of it for you. If nothing good has come out of it, think of acts you could do to shift the narrative and take your time to focus on those things. Focusing on the positive and realizing that you hold so much of part in creating and manifesting your reality is a game changer for your overall well-being.“Your direction is more important than your speed”
Lucia LitmanIt is not going to be easy; you will get discouraged and frustrated. But stick with it. You will never get out of your comfort zone and sense of complacency if you don’t experience and work through feeling uncomfortable. After months of focusing on things you want to create, you will find that sense of calmness again, and you will feel better about yourself. Every action begins with a thought. Some may say that your thoughts don’t create your reality because they are minuscule and may never truly be heard, but an idea followed by clear intention and action are essential in manifesting your goals. When the quality of your thoughts improves, the quality of your actions is bound to grow as well. Although the law of attraction is a much deeper topic, and it takes more exposure to this idea to truly fulfill it and fully understand it, this surface-level ideology is great to keep in mind while we struggle with keeping a positive mindset and finding motivation inside of ourselves. Set your intentions on the focus of creating your reality and removing all of the limits you have created for yourself. Your limitation is only a figment of your imagination.
Remind yourself of how powerful you are everyday and continue to go forward, but, most importantly, remember to be gentle with yourself and treat your dreams as if they were fragile items that should be handled with care and caution. Combat downfalls and setbacks with positivity and restructuring. A large reason of your existence in this universe is to learn and grow.
Learn more about the law of attraction here!